How Does Paintless Dent Removal Work, & Why Should You Consider it?

Paintless Dent Repair price is significantly lower because this advanced technology eliminates the need for painting/repainting
Paintless dent repair does not require paint and since the metal is manipulated rather than filled, primed and painted it also requires no additional chemicals

Paintless Dent Repair takes less time–usually just s few hours to a few days even on some of the larger jobs

Paintless Dent Removal (PDR) is a new and highly advanced technology that typically outperforms conventional hail repair on a number of levels. It's a relatively new process that has become the industry standard because of its overall lower cost & fast turnaround. In most instances of Hail Damage, PDR will be your faster, cheaper, & all-around more efficient option for your Denver vehicle, truck, or SUV. Many of our customers are very skeptical as to whether Paintless Dent Repair can work on materials such as aluminum, well our PDR technicians have the training, skills, & industry expertise to complete any job.

Paintless Dent Removal (PDR) is a cosmetic procedure that invasively returns your car, truck, or SUV's body back to its original state. GotHail.CO has highly trained experts who don't just rely on highly specialized equipment, but also on their training & expertise to deliver the most outstanding PDR experience that only their workmanship can deliver; and of course, restoring your Hail Damaged vehicle precisely back to pre-storm conditions.